Dr. Georg Inderst is an independent adviser to pension funds, institutional investors and international organizations. He is one of the prime international experts on infrastructure investment and finance for developed and emerging countries. His work is based on extensive experience in investment management, economic research and pensions governance.
Previously, Georg was a Director of Law Debenture Pension Trust Corporation in London, the Head of Global Asset Allocation and Fixed Interest at Foreign & Colonial (F&C) in London, and an economist at HYPO Capital Management in Munich.
Georg authored several key studies on infrastructure investment and social/green/development finance, working among others, with the OECD, EU Commission, EIB, ADB and the World Bank. He is a member of various international committees, a referee of top academic journals, and the Chair of Judges of the IPE Awards for pension funds, and the IPE Real Estate and Infrastructure Awards .
Georg grew up in Italy. He received an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and a PhD in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Vienna.